Yabu Genemo

My passion for graphic design did not start from seeing amazing posters, and typography. It started back in elementary; I had a teacher who was good at art, and I slowly learned from her. I then became obsessed with drawing and making things look cool. I did not know much about graphic design back then, but I knew I wanted to do something with art. In high school, I started doing art projects for local businesses, like designing logos and posters, and that is when I realized graphic design could be my thing.

During college, I learned a bunch of fancy stuff about graphic design—like how to use different fonts, arrange layouts, and make brands stand out. It was cool to see how I could turn my passion into a career. I also did little internships and had some awesome mentors who showed me the ropes and helped me get ready for the real world. I also did freelance work on the side to keep learning and trying new things. These experiences not only enhanced my portfolio but also prepared me for the challenges awaiting me after graduation.

After college, I am excited to dive into the design world headfirst. I want to land a job at a design agency where I can work on diverse projects and continue learning from experienced designers. Eventually, I hope to become a senior designer and even lead my own team someday. Alongside my career, I want to keep freelancing on the side, collaborating with different clients, and pushing the boundaries of my creativity. In the future, I envision myself as a respected figure in the design community, known for my innovative ideas and dedication to making meaningful and visually captivating designs.