Brooke Hoenigschmidt

Hello! My name is Brooke Hoenigschmidt and I grew up in East Bethel, Minnesota. I have always been artistic and had an eye for design. Ever since I was young, I enjoyed painting, drawing, and all sorts of arts and crafts! As I got older, I became fascinated by the ability of design to convey messages and tell stories through Graphic Design. This interest led me to explore the world of graphic design, where I discovered an exciting way to combine my love for art with my interest in communication. While becoming a Graphic Design student, I've found myself being drawn to the realm of modern Graphic Design. I really enjoy the simplicity and functionality of it. I feel as if modern Graphic Design challenges me to keep up with the trends and create something that is aesthetically pleasing while communicating the message. My goal after graduation is to get a Graphic Design job that lets me express my artistic talents and allows me to use the skills I have learned over the years.