Casey Markovich

Hi, I’m Casey Markovich. I was born and raised in Minnesota. I have been an inspiring photographer for the last 7 ½ years still as a hobby of mine. I started out taking pictures in high school at North St. Paul High school. I took the classes that were being offered:  photography 1 & 2 in 2017 – 2018 using Adobe Photoshop. I began learning some Graphic Design in 2018, at 916 East Metro. I attended the Digital Multimedia Design Class using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Starting in 2021 at Century College, I began taking more classes in graphic design. I’ve learned more about Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, and self-taught with Illustrator. I got to learn all the different aspects of layout, printing, and trimming, including the whole creative process that goes into creating different kinds of deliverables. I learned about how typography came to be and how to produce the forms of flyers, magazines, brochures, and posters. Learning all the different class of typography was very interesting and fascinating. Also, with my knowledge of Graphic Design, I can do logo creation, product packaging design, and various types printed media. During my time as a Graphic Design student, I was picked to be in the PTK National Honor Society and the Dean’s List in late 2023. I plan to graduate next spring of 2025.

Next, I will continue to attend at Century College to learn more about Photography. I plan on taking a class called, “Intro to Professional Photography” in the fall of 2024. I envision learning all the pieces that go into framing various subjects and spaces with good camera composition and good lighting. I hope to land a job with combing these two diplomas in both Photography and Graphic Design, by gaining experience in the field. My long-term goal as a Graphic Designer and Photographer is to start my own business. Thanks for reading my Bio!