Hello, my name is Meg Juckett and I love creativity. I have always had a strong interest in the arts, but my early schooling took me in the direction of science. After exploring that for years and raising a family, I had the opportunity to go back to school to study a field I always wanted to try, Graphic Design. It is a great mixture of art and the science and technology of Computers.

Currently I am finishing my associate degree at Century College where I became knowledgeable in many things Adobe, Excel, color theory, typography, packaging, print and more. With Adobe I have developed my skills in Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. I grew my understanding of logo development and brand identity, flier and poster production and the ingenuous world of packaging.

Going forward, I would love to be involved with small projects or start-ups, whether they are with acquaintances needing help on a quick project, or those of a small business that does not know where to turn and are worried about finances. I would also enjoy getting involved with non-profits since there are so many important ones out there with more starting up every day. It would be a wonderful way to be involved and help.

I genuinely enjoyed my time at Century and cannot thank the various teachers I have had, especially John Kothera, and all the talented classmates I have met, enough. I will take everything I have learned and experienced with me on my next adventure.