Hailey EVans

My name is Hailey Evans, and I was born in St. Paul, Minnesota. I have always had a passion for drawing ever since I was little. As I got older, I got interested in photography as well. In middle school and high school, art-related subjects were my favorite. I took multiple art classes as well as a photography class. I loved learning new skills and being able to be creative. When I discovered Graphic Design as a career path, I knew that was the right choice for me. I am majoring in Graphic Design and Production here at Century and am confident in my decision. I have enjoyed learning about the history of graphic design, and the fundamentals of it. I am thankful that we were taught about how printing works as well. I love using my knowledge and ideas to create unique pieces, such as logos, brochures, and posters. I also love being presented with new challenges and finding solutions. I plan to graduate soon. I enjoy working in groups as well as independently. I am hoping to find a job in Minnesota as a Graphic Designer, where I can continue to grow my skills. I hope to go into visual identity, art, and illustration. I have also been thinking of possibly being a freelance Graphic Designer as well, and possibly start a business. I always try to create the best work that I can, and hope I can find new opportunities in the future.