Gina vang

Hello! My name is Gina and I'm a Graphic Designer that graduated from Century College with an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Graphic Design & Production. Originally, I attended the Minnesota State University of Mankato in 2020, but then later in 2021, I moved near the Twins Cities to live closer with my relatives and transferred to Century College.  

Ever since I was a kid, I’d always find a lot of graphic arts and designs floating around on social media platforms and in real life that really caught my attention. I always wanted to try doing so many graphic arts because I was inspired by how graphic designers were doing to style their work in their own unique ways. But I was limited with little to no software or equipment’s to try it out. Since then, I began attending Century College in 2022, receiving new skills that I can now apply to them in the real world to communicate information through graphic designs and concepts. The skill areas that I’ve developed are in Photoshop, Illustrator, Typography, InDesign, Excel, and more. 

Something a little bit about me is I am a forthright, problem-solver, attentive, and a team player who is willing to do what it takes to get the job done. As a Graphic Designer, I am always expanding my skills to utilize the experiences of what lies ahead for me in the future.