Lucas Young

I got into graphic design in highschool when I decided I wanted to do something dealing with software or computers but I did not want to do IT or anything that required a lot of math. I also have a very artistic background from my family so I decided to take an introduction course to graphic design in highschool. I had taken other courses that let me use Adobe products, however this opened up a whole new world.

This allowed me to really get into graphic design and started me on a path for graphic design. It made me realize that this is something I wanted to do for a long time so I really got into it and started looking for programs near me. Century College was one that caught my eye due to the time it took to do and the price. I decided to bite the bullet and get into it.

Once I got into it I fell in love with the whole design process and how it all worked. I really started enjoying the design process and drawing as well as using adobe products. I really enjoyed interacting with other aspiring designers as well as my professors and seeing their viewpoints as well.

I decided a while ago when I started the program that I did not really want to work for someone else. I always have wanted to work for myself and not really work for others. I want to find my own clients and do work for them. That is what I am looking to do and where I have come from!