Paige Jennings

Hello, my name is Paige Jennings, and I am currently a student at Century College. I have always had a huge passion for art. As I was growing up, I always like drawing, painting and any sort of arts and crafts. During my school years I took a lot of art-based theme classes to grow my skills and any art type classes were my personal favorite.  As grew older I knew I wanted to something art related as a career in my future and that lead me to become a Graphic Designer to express my creativity.

During my time through the graphic and design and production program I had improved my skills in adobe software programs, print production, how to create colleterial materials and many more. I also learned a lot of important information like how important it is to follow the create process when starting a project, and many more stuff that I will take with me as I continue my education.

When I am done with Century College, I am planning to continue my education to get a bachelor design in graphic design. I still don’t know what school I want to transfer too yet. My end goal I would like to accomplish is to be working with a well end design company to create branding materials for startup companies.